MK 354 Spring 2010

February 22, 2010

a not so credible ad

Filed under: blog #4 — mtamayo26 @ 11:28 am

With this chapter being on credibility, it was particularly challenging to find an advertisement, because I’m what the Heath brothers call a “skeptic.” The only campaign I could think of that uses statistics or the “Sinatra Test” were the Truth campaigns, so instead I took a different route and chose an advertisement that doesn’t prove to be very credible, and that’s the Kristie Alley for Jenny Craig ads. While some could argue since she is or was a celebrity, she could be considered an “authority.” The Heath brothers explain that people trust the recommendations of celebrities they like, but in the case of Kristie Alley, I don’t think very many people are too swayed by what she says or does.

The commercial not only failed to chose a reliable endorser, but it also lacked the use of compelling details, the use of statistics, or proven real life experiences (The Sinatra Test). With this commercial, where are the details that make me believe Jenny Craig is better than any of the other weight loss programs? Where are the statistics and the numbers to prove this program works? Had the Jenny Craig commercials also included “nonauthorities” to prove their system worked, more people would feel like they could lose the weight too.

The only thing this commercial has going for it is Kristie Alley, a women who goes up and down in weight so much, I don’t think anyone would trust the weight loss system she’s on.

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